Uniform and Equipment

Perfect uniform 100% of the time

We pride ourselves on our uniform. It helps us to promote equality, prepare students for the world of work and allows pupils to focus on their learning.

Compulsory items for school

  • Blazer with the school logo
  • A plain white, collared shirt with a fastening top button
  • School tie in the pupils year group colour
  • Plain black shoes – no visible logos, pattern or colours
  • Plain black trousers – either a loose or tailored fit with no ankle showing
  • Plain black skirt – must be worn at a reasonable length with black tights
  • Plain black socks that fully cover the ankle
  • A coat that is suitable for school and the weather – outdoor coats must never be worn in the building
  • Religious headwear can be worn in plain black or white colours
  • School bag


  • Students should wear their uniform with pride and always have their shirts tucked in, their top buttons fastened and their tie on
  • Students are not permitted to wear excessive jewellery or makeup
  • Students can wear one small set of studs in their ear lobes and/or a small and discrete nose stud
  • A simple watch may be worn (no smart watches)
  • False nails and non-natural coloured nail polish are not allowed
  • False eyelashes and lash extensions are not allowed

PE Uniform

Compulsory items for PE

  • PE polo top (with the school logo)
  • Plain black jogging bottoms
  • Trainers

Optional PE kit

  • School PE hoodie (or plain black hoodie)
  • School PE shorts or skort (with school logo plain black
  • Plain black skins to wear underneath PE kit if desired

Uniform Voucher Policy – School Uniforms

Beckfoot Trust now provides financial assistance for funding uniform. Parents/carers should get in touch to check eligibility. To enable us to distribute vouchers, claimants will need to provide proof of identity and be registered as eligible according to the school policy. If either of these criteria are not met, the claim will have to be reviewed.

Preloved Uniform

We want all our young people to look smart and take pride in their appearance and school. However, we do understand that many families are feeling the effects of the cost of living crisis and that uniform in particular can be expensive. If any of our families are struggling to provide their child’s uniform, please contact the school so we can support you. Parents and carers can access our School Uniform Preloved Shop. We also have items to loan to students for short periods of time to allow you the time to purchase replacements.

Shipley School Clothes Bank

Shipley School Clothes Bank also have a range of items to help you with uniform requirements and you can speak with them direct on 07899055739 or email them on [email protected]. They have a base where item can be collected once you have put your request in.

Our uniform suppliers

Natasha Schoolwear: 01274 724676

100% Equipment

Each day students must bring:

  • A black or blue pen
  • Purple and green pen
  • School bag large enough to fit in an A4 folder
  • A pencil
  • A rubber
  • A ruler
  • A planner
  • A reading book for Year 7, 8 and 9 students – either from the school library or their home

Students can buy new school equipment from the main school office at 8.00am and the first 10 minutes of breaktime.