Homework is essential in supporting our students to achieve excellence. As our students progress through school, they are supported to become more independent and resilient as these skills be essential when they leave school for further study in their chosen field. Homework supports many of key ingredients to securing achievement, these include:
- Retrieval skills (being able to retrieve information from long term memory)
- Interleaving (learning a mixture of content at one time, forcing the brain to work harder)
- Securing powerful knowledge in the long term memory
- Clarifying misconceptions
Homework supports our students achieving their ambitions and reaching their full potential as they work to consolidate their learning. We aim to work with parents to ensure homework is completed to a high standard and on time.

Class Charts
Class Charts is an online system which teachers and school staff can use to set homework, communicate with home and give feedback on work submitted. Students can use Class Charts to access work set by their teachers, submit this digitally and receive feedback.
Teachers will set homework assignments on the system so that students and families can see exactly when homework was set and when it is due in. They can also see how long the assignment should take to help them manage their own time effectively and independently.
Tutors will use the system to check how much their students are engaging with independent learning and record any of their successes or concerns on the app for you to view. We expect students to check Class Charts every evening so they can prepare for the upcoming deadlines and check of their homework as they go.
How can I support my child with their home learning?
- Take the time to familiarise yourself with Class Charts and encourage our child to download the app so that they can easily access information and their work
- If you are at home with your child, where possible please support them to do their very best. Take an interest in their work by asking them what they have learnt, without immediate feedback like they’d receive in the classroom, some students can lose their motivation.
- Please encourage them to do the work they’ve been set each day and stay as available as you can to support them with it.
- Please speak to your child about the work they have completed each day and try reward their hard work, your interest will motivate your child to keep learning and do their best.