Our Local Offer

What types of SEND do pupils have in your school? 

Approximately 33% of our pupils have SEND needs. These may be from any of the 4 main areas of need, with some pupils having more than one need.

The 4 main areas of need are:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Communication and interaction
  • Physical/sensory

Approximately 31% have needs at School Support. 2% have an Education Health Care Plan.

How does this school identify children who may have SEND?

Pupils SEND needs may be identified in a number of different ways:

  • Some are identified at primary school and careful discussion and information gathering takes place during the transition process in the summer term. The SENDCos and Pastoral Team liaise closely with relevant staff in all feeder primary schools to compile comprehensive information prior to pupils starting at Beckfoot Upper Heaton. Our SENDCo attend annual reviews of pupils with EHC plans in Year 6.
  • Some pupils are identified at a previous secondary school. If a pupil joins Beckfoot Upper Heaton mid-term the SENDCo will gather information from the previous school and use it to form a Learning Plan or complete further assessments if required.
  • Some needs are identified following concerns raised by parents or pupils themselves; some have their needs identified by other professionals who will inform school of any support needs; some concerns are raised by our staff who refer the pupils to the SENDCo through the internal referral system. When concerns are raised, the most appropriate assessments, observations and referrals are made to identify how best to support the pupils in school.

How do you evaluate provision?

There is a whole school system in place for monitoring the curriculum, learning and outcomes for all pupils, including those with SEND. In addition, the SEND Team monitors the SEND interventions through observation, discussions with staff, progress data and feedback from pupils. Internal evaluation is carried out by the senior leadership of the school and the Trust, both informally and formally during review days.

External evaluation is provided by Ofsted through inspection, where pupils with SEND is a particular focus. Beckfoot Upper Heaton’s most recent inspection report, from May 2023 can be viewed via the link on our school website.

How do you check and review the progress of my child and how will I be involved?

Regular feedback is provided to all pupils by teachers in their lessons. Assessment can be formal and informal. The assessment calendar is in place at the beginning of each academic year and teachers submit grades for attitude to learning and achievement. The information is shared with parents in the form of a progress report and parents can meet with their child’s subject teachers each year to discuss progress.

The quality of education by received by pupils with identified SEND is a central part of the Ofsted inspection process. The most recent inspection report, from May 2023 can be viewed via the link on our school website.

Learning Plans are devised for all pupils on the SEND register, these are reviewed and updated during the year, and shared with parents. There is communication with parents as required, including meetings, telephone calls, emails etc.

All interventions are regularly reviewed for impact and effectiveness.

Pupils who have an EHCP have an annual review each year and parents, external agencies and school staff are invited to contribute their views.

How do teachers support pupils with SEND?

Teachers at Beckfoot Upper Heaton have high expectations for all pupils.

The SENDCo and Deputy SENDCo are available to give advice and support to teaching colleagues regarding how best to meet the needs of SEND youngsters in class. All teachers are able to access detailed information about pupils and how best to support them through Learning Plans which are available for all pupils on the SEND register. Learning Plans describe the pupils’ individual needs and suggest strategies to support them with their learning. Sometimes pupils may have the support of another adult in class – an HLTA or TA. All pupils are encouraged to develop their independence in lessons and additional adults are rarely assigned to work with individual pupils. Some pupils may require additional support away from lessons and this may be in the form of small group or one to one intervention. This ensures pupils can make progress alongside other pupils in the classroom.

If a pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan (E designation on SEND Register) the SEND team offer small group teaching to support pupils around the provision, which is outlined in their EHCP, alongside individualised and bespoke mainstream classroom support.

The school offers a number of designated supervised quiet areas for use by SEND pupils at break and lunchtime for example the Nurture room and LRC which pupils can access by agreement with pastoral staff.

Some pupils may require additional support in external examinations. If there is strong enough evidence to suggest this is the case a pupil would be assessed for Exam Access Arrangements. If they qualify, we apply for Exam Access Arrangements according to the Joint Council for Qualifications exam regulations. Pupils will practice any Access Arrangements in lessons, and this will become their normal way of working.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

When pupils join us in year 7, we liaise closely with our primary feeder schools and use information provided by them to ensure your child is provided with the most appropriate curriculum from the start of year 7. Teachers will be given specific information about strategies to support pupils with SEND. All pupils follow the full school curriculum. Some pupils may have a more personalised curriculum to match their individual needs – The Universal Plus Offer. We provide bespoke intervention to provide additional support or ‘top up’ to supplement the universal offer. This could take the form of additional support within a small group setting to learners all requiring similar top up, or through bespoke 1:1 support. This may include co-teaching in core subjects where two specialist teachers are allocated to one class, SEMH Nurture Provision, or 6-week intervention cycles of small group interventions based on a specific area of need. Pupils are placed in interventions based on evidence of need, resources available and learning outcomes.

Occasionally, for a very small number of pupils with identified complex cognitive needs, we may develop a more bespoke curriculum or adapted pathway. We take great care to ensure that these students access a broad and balanced curriculum delivered by specialists and that their qualification routes are accessible and appropriate. In a very small number of cases, alternative provision is sought for students who can no longer access education within our school, and all possible interventions have been exhausted.

How accessible is the school environment?

Beckfoot Upper Heaton is a newly built building with fully accessible floors via a lift. For further details, see BUH accessibility policy and action plan. This is available on the school website. Any accessibility needs are discussed with parents on the child’s transition to school.

How is additional support allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

We have a team of support staff in school who deliver interventions and classroom support. This is allocated matching available resources to need and reviewed regularly. Pupils with an EHCP receive support for specific interventions as outlined in their EHCP. Our team of support staff work alongside colleagues in the pastoral, behaviour, and safeguarding teams.

How will my child be included in activities of the school, including school trips, extracurricular clubs etc?

Beckfoot Upper Heaton is an inclusive school, and all pupils are encouraged to take part in trips and extracurricular clubs. Any specific needs relating to this will be discussed with parents, class teachers or leaders of activities. Additional risk assessments and support are allocated as required.

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

Pupils’ wellbeing is supported and monitored by staff in the pastoral and safeguarding teams. They identify areas of need across school including the pastoral programme and targeted interventions as required. The school has access to a mentor and is also able to refer to external agencies when required.

Daily contact with the Tutor and easy access to the Year Team means that our pupils know where they can get support quickly if needed.

Some pupils may access Nurture provision to support their SEMH needs and development.

Where pupils require SEMH intervention, these are delivered by trained support staff. School also works closely with colleagues from the Local Authority SCIL (social communication, interaction and learning) team to ensure provision is appropriate for our pupils.

We have a Health care assistant in school who supports pupils with medical needs.

Who can I contact for further information?

You can contact us at anytime and in specific cases we are happy to arrange a meeting with you. Our phone number is 01274 493533

You could also contact us through [email protected]

Any general pastoral issues should be addressed through year leads.

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?

Both the SENDCo and Deputy have significant experience working with SEND pupils. Ms Newcombe holds the National SENCo qualification.

The SEND team meet regularly for training and to support professional development, including appraisal. They deliver training and provide informal support to all school staff. There are regular Trust meetings where SENDCos meet to discuss and develop practice. External professionals visit regularly to advise on provision and train staff as required.

SEND team training in 2023-24 included Precision Teaching training from the Educational Psychology team and De-escalation training from the Social Communication Interaction and Learning (SCIL) Team. The whole school staff have participated in a number of CPD sessions on the Inclusive Classroom, Cognition and Learning, and The Needs of SEMH Learners/ De-escalation.

What happens if my child needs specialist equipment or other facilities?

We access a range of specialist support teams including the Visual and Hearing Impaired and Physical Difficulties teams and work with them to provide the appropriate equipment and support. ICT equipment (laptops/ iPads) is available in school when required.

If you believe your child needs specialist equipment or other facilities, please contact the SENDCo or discuss the issue at the next review/parents evening.

How are parents/carers involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education, including advising how to support my child’s learning?

We value parental communication and views and appreciate your support for your child’s learning.

Pupils and parents/carers are invited to parent consultation evenings each academic year when the SEND team as well as teaching colleagues are happy to meet to discuss any concerns.

If a parent has a concern about their child’s learning needs, they can contact the SENDCo via the email address or telephone number above.

More formally parents’ views are gathered during the EHCP annual review process.

Discussions are also held with parents in preparation for post-16 education to support pupils with their choices in liaison with the relevant careers service.

How will my child be involved in his/her own learning and decisions made about his/her education?

All pupils are expected to engage in reflecting in their own learning in class through discussion with teachers, self-evaluation of work, peer feedback and improvement of work. Pupils are encouraged to become independent learners and take full advantage of all opportunities.F

or pupils with SEND, Learning Plans include pupil voice; an opportunity to express their views, likes and dislikes, and aspirations. These are completed with the support of staff and reviewed. EHCP pupils also contribute their views during annual review meetings.

Who should I contact if I have a complaint about my child’s SEND provision?

At the time of the school’s inspection, parents are formally invited by Ofsted to complete the Parent View survey. Parents can complete the Parent View survey at any time.

In the first instance please raise any day-to day concerns with the SENDCo. Should your concern not be resolved please follow the school complaints procedure (available on the school website).

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

The school is able to access the following services to give advice and guidance:

  • The hearing impairment team
  • The visual impairment team
  • School health team
  • Speech and language service

The advice and guidance is then shared with colleagues in school, and parents/carers via Learning Plans and or dialogue. The exception is that which is of a confidential nature.

What services and support are there for parents and families of children with SEND?

To discuss what support is available in school please contact the SEND team. They will also be able to advise on services available locally.

For the comprehensive list of Local Authority and voluntary support services please refer to the Bradford and District Local Offer. This can be found at https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk.

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, or transfer to a new school or college?

We work closely with primary colleagues to offer a planned transition programme which may involve regular visits by your child to the school prior to September. This will also involve information gathering so we are all prepared to meet your child’s needs.

We also work with local post-16 providers to share information about prospective students and plan additional transition visits where appropriate.

Where can I find out about other services that might be available for out family and my child?

For the comprehensive list of Local Authority and voluntary support services please refer to the Bradford and District Local Offer. This can be found at https://localoffer.bradford.gov.uk

Other information can be found at Bradford District Family and Young Person Information: Home | Bradford Families and Young Persons and at Treacle.me Directory of Help and Support – Treacle

My child has SEND, how do they get a place at your school?

Pupils with an Education Health Care Plan are allocated to the school through the Local Authority SEND Department’s consultation process. This will be undertaken by the primary school SENDCo at the pupil’s annual review or transition review at the end of Year 5 or beginning of Year 6. The primary school SENDCo will be able to support you in making the most appropriate secondary school preferences. You may visit school, either on an appointment basis or at one of our open evenings, to support you in your decision making.

Pupils with SEND needs at School Support are allocated through the usual secondary school admissions process. Information can be found at Apply for a place at one of Bradford District’s schools | Bradford Council