French at Beckfoot Upper Heaton

French equips pupils to celebrate differences through the study of culture and traditions alongside developing lifelong transferable, key skills to become confident, fluent and eloquent individuals.

Our French curriculum is designed around the three key pillars of knowledge: vocab, grammar and phonics which are developed through the four key skill areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Pupils learn to speak confidently about themselves and their interests, while learning how to use the three tenses. Culture is taught throughout, as students engage in cultural discussions, allowing them to explore similarities and differences of new and different cultures.


Trips to France are offered to students to support their linguistic competency and cultural experiences. Extra curriculum clubs are offered on a half termly basis, with the aim to develop students cultural understanding further.


Assessments are carefully mapped to ensure pupils are not continually being assessed and so there is balance between assessment of all skills areas. These short assessments take place at the end of each topic.

KS4 Specification


Reference to careers are made throughout the French curriculum, particularly during the ‘work’ topic, where pupils get top learn about key jobs, explore characteristics required for jobs and discuss their future aspirations. This topic is also further developed at KS4.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Back to school: Introducing themselves, learning numbers, talking about brothers and sisters, talking about likes and dislikes, describing yourself and saying what you do

In class: Learning colours and shapes, opinions about school subjects, describing a school uniform, learning the time, describing school day, a typical school day in France and talk about my ideal school

My free time: Weather and seasons, what sports I play, what sports I do and opinions about sports

My family life: talking about animals, learn higher numbers, describing family, describing where I live

Year 8

Long live the holidays: Saying what I visited, what I did during the holiday, saying where I went and saying what I did using irregular verbs

Festivals: Understanding dates, opinions about festivals, describing a festival, understanding more detailed about festivals, buying food at a market and what I’m going to eat

I love the holidays: A trip to the Christmas market, talking about TV programmes, talking about actors, digital technology, arranging to go to the cinema – types of movies and time/time phrases and leisure activities

Where I live: Talking about where I live, describing where I live, describing the weather, what I do to help at home and daily routine

At leisure: Talking about moving house, describing life in my area and addressing misconceptions

Sports: Talk about sport using jouer, talk about sport using faire, giving opinions about sports, asking the way and giving direction, what is necessary to be a champion, talking about injuries and illness

Year 9

Identity and culture – AQA Module 1: Revising family members, revising places in town, revising activities and time, describing people’s personality, describing people’s appearance, talking about relationship, what makes a good friend, making arrangements to go out, describing a day our with friends and role models

Identity and culture – AQA Module 2: Revising leisure activities, revising films and going to the cinema, talking about sports, using the internet, talking about reading, talking about hobbies, talking about TV programmes, describing a night out

Identity and culture – AQA Module 3: Talking about food and meals, discussing clothes and what to wear, talking about daily routine, shopping for clothes, shopping for food, describe festivals and traditions, talking about food at home vs special occasions and congratulation

Year 10

Local, national, international and global areas of interest – AQA Module 4: Where I live, what’s in my town, understanding direction, describing a region, discussing what I would like to do, weather, picture description, dream town/nightmare town

Local, national, international and global areas of interest – AQA Module 5: Countries, where I go, how I travel, where I stay, what’s in a hotel, booking hotels, at the train station, talking about what I do on holiday, talking about what I did on holiday

Local, national, international and global areas of interest Theme 3 – current and future study and employment AQA Module 6: What’s in my school, school subjects, school day, extra curricular activities and school trips

Year 11

Current and future study and employment – Module 7: Discussing career choices, talking about future plans, talking about hopes and wishes, picture description, talking about the importance of languages, understanding a job advert, responding to a job advert, talking about how to earn money and talking about work experience


Local, national, international and global areas of interest – AQA Module 8: What is important and what worries me, what can we do to help, weather, environmental issues, protecting the planet, talking about volunteering, participating in my community, talking about a big event

Speaking role play practice, reading aloud task and short conversation and photo card discussion