Art and Design at Beckfoot Upper Heaton

Art and Design stimulates creativity and imagination providing visual, tactile and sensory experiences, and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world.

Fostering creativity and self-expression, Art and Design can help students to develop their creative skills and express themselves in ways that may not be possible in other subjects. This can boost self-esteem and self-confidence as they overcome challenges, celebrate diversity and explore different perspectives and experiences.

Art and Design provides students with a platform to express their views and ideas, and by sharing their work with their peers, they can raise awareness of important issues and encourage others to get involved.


Students have the opportunity to meet artists, designers and makers who share their educational and career progression.

Students also have the opportunity to join art club while at Beckfoot Upper Heaton so they can continue developing their skills and creativity after school.


The school currently delivers AQA Art, Craft and Design at GCSE. The is a broad  course  which allows students of all abilities the opportunity to be engaged and achieve to their full potential.

Skills, knowledge and developing ideas are generated during KS4 such as drawing, ceramics, textiles and painting.  

KS4 Specification


Learners will have some understanding of the link to relevant future careers with opportunities built into the curriculum whole school CEIAG events.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Introduction: What is art and why is it important?

Insects: Exploring techniques to create art

Artist: Christopher Marley

Continuation of insects: Exploring different artists and creating responses

Developing artistic skills with different mediums and techniques

Understanding colour theory

Blending colours using mixed media

Artist: David Hockney, developing artwork in response

Year 8

Introduction to the formal elements and range of mediums in art

Portraiture: Exploring Julian Opie to develop self portraits in her artistic style

Working in a range of mixed media

Continuation of their self portraits and artists who create portraits

Exploring the work of Frida Kahlo 

Working with acrylic paints

The Day of the Dead celebration: An introduction

Creating mood boards and collages

Exploring the work of Thaneeya Mccardle  and developing their own response to her own work

Year 9

Still life 

Students learn about the formal elements – colour theory and water blending

Artistic response to Joel Penkman’s work in different mediums

Continuation of still life

Students explore other artists who create artwork inspired by food

3D sculptors using clay/paper mache

Introduction to the history of graffiti

Exploring Banksy

Creating an artists research page in the the style of Banksy

Year 10

Introduction to the GCSE Art, Craft and Design specification

Component 1: Natural Forms

Students to focus on core art skills and develop meaningful responses using the formal elements in a range of different art and textile mediums.

Exploring artists to create observational drawings and responses

Continuation of exploration and creation of responses to their chosen artists/designers

Workshop focus on key textile/art techniques to develop their portfolio

Students to develop their ideas through a collage of primary and secondary research

Development and preparation for their mock exam

Year 11

Students will continue to finalise and complete their component 1 work

Focusing on the development of their portfolio and artist research

Begin final design idea

Refining their portfolios

Introduction to component 2: Externally set assignment

Development of portfolio: mindmap collage, research, observational drawings and annotations of ideas

Planning final ideas and preparing for their final exam