Computing at Beckfoot Upper Heaton

We teach students to be safe in both the real world and the digital world, teaching all three strands of computing; IT, Computer Science and Digital Literacy.

As modern technologies continue to change, students need to be equipped with updated knowledge that will help them adapt to the real world. Students will acquire analytical and creative skills and knowledge in both digital literacy, information technology and computer science, to support them in future study, training or work.

The powerful knowledge they learn will equip students with the skills and knowledge employers look for, giving them the ability to become confident and independent young people when they leave school.


In previous years we had worked alongside Art, STEM and Leeds Beckett University to provide KS3 students with both gaming and magazine design opportunities.

The skills and knowledge we teach in Computing help those in the community to allow students to access a wide range of information, opinions and perspectives from around the world on different aspects of the curriculum.


Formative assessment is embedded within every computing lesson to allow continued feedback so students can improve and master their knowledge and skills. At KS3, students will also take a summative assessment at the end of the year.

KS4 Specification


Our computing curriculum teaches students about varied careers in the digital and programming industry. Students understand how the skills and knowledge they’re learning will be valuable to them in the future, while linking their new skills to their other subjects.

In KS4, students respond to live industry briefs, exposing them to higher education and a variety of careers in the digital media and programming industry.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Computer room rules

Base line assessments

Responsbility and safe use of IT

Password security

Online safety, profile, appropriate relationships

Vector graphics

Creating a logo for WildCare charity

Create a static banner for WildCare

Create an animated web banner for WildCare

Introduction to key computational concepts – flow charts, algorithms, sequencing and subroutines

Introduction to key programming constructs – variables, sequencing, selection and loops

Students will learn to use a graphical block based programming software

Year 8

Internal and external hardware, operating systems, application software and input and output devices

Internal components like CPU, RAM and ROM function

Properties of storage devises

Wired and wireless technology

Microsoft Excel

Create and detail the steps taken to create a static and interactive banner for the Smarts Leisure Park

Serif Web Plus

Creation of navigation bars

Add content to webpages

Evaluate theirs and their peers websites

Importance of sequencing

Input and print functions, syntax errors and declaring variable

Comparison operators

Data types

Casting and concatenating

Year 9

Know the types of hardware for making a network

Understand how networks are important in the digital age

Identify three network topologies

Explain the hardware needed to set up LANs and WANs

Explain what a client server model is

Web development software – Serif Web Plus

Creation of navigation bars

Add content to webpages

Evaluate theirs and their peers websites


Store data and update values in lists

Understand what a procedure is

Sequencing and selection

Recall data types and comparison operators

Binary, denary and hexadecimal number systems

Year 10

GCSE Computer Science: Simple logic diagrams and truth tables, memory and storage, binary conversion, character sets and character representation, compression, file handling

BTEC Information Technology: Task 1 – Introduction to the PSA – structure, tasks and deadlines, introduction to pre-production documentation, logo creation, banners creation


GCSE Computer Science: Defining and using functions, writing structured programs, using selection, using integer and string data types, fetch decode – execute cycle, CPU components and their functions

BTEC Information Technology: Introduction to creative media component 1, research, investigating media products (three products), PSA Task 2 – focus on the the interactive sector, website 1

GCSE Computer Science: Threats posed to networks, identifying and preventing vulnerabilities, the purpose and functionality of an operating system, types of user interfaces, utility software

BTEC Information Technology: Website 2, final improvements and submission, preparation for component 3, logo creation, banners creation

Year 11

GCSE Computer Science: Search and sort algorithms, algorithms using pseudocode, trace tables, data types, operators and string manipulation, file handling

BTEC Information Technology: Introduction/requirements of the brief, target audience, initial ideas, research, development, pre-production documentation, create logo, banners and website

GCSE Computer Science: Characteristics and purpose of different levels of programming language, the purpose of translators, characteristics of compilers and interpreters, IDEs

BTEC Information Technology: Introduction/requirements of the brief, target audience, initial ideas, research, development, pre-production documentation, create logo, banners and website