
Getting our students Future Ready

Our careers education programme is tailored to meet the diverse needs of our learners. We personalise activities to make sure that each learner makes progress in their career development while enhancing their motivation, aspiration and achievements.

A young persons career journey is a reflection of their growth in both learning and work. At Beckfoot Upper Heaton, we are committed to ensuring that no student becomes ‘Not in Employment, Education or Training’ (NEET). We believe every learner requires a structured program of activities that guides them in choosing the right pathways from Year 7 to 11, enabling them to manage their careers, maintain employability, and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.

Beckfoot Upper Heaton acknowledges its statutory responsibility to provide careers education for students in Years 7 to 11, ensuring access to impartial careers information, education, and guidance. We are dedicated to delivering a comprehensive program of impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance (CEIAG) for all learners in Years 7 to 11.

Our careers team

At Beckfoot Upper Heaton we believe all staff have a role in offering careers guidance, whether this is through linking to their subject specialism or as a form of tutor, where they can guide based upon their knowledge of the student and their strengths.

Nazim Ali – Careers Advisor

Nazim is in school on Tuesdays and is based in the Library. Nazims priority is to speak to our Year 11 students to offer them guidance for their next steps. Nazim is also available for drop ins during break and KS4 lunch. Nazim also runs workshops to support students in skills like CV and Personal Statement writing.

Mrs A Hussain

Mrs A Hussain (Assistant Headteacher) is the Careers Lead in school and is responsible for ensuring the Gatsby benchmarks. This includes leading a stable careers programme through our PSHCE lessons. Each year group has a careers unit of work delivered each academic year, based upon UNIFROG resources. Mrs Hussain also organises the Careers Day, where students have the opportunity to develop their transferable skills, experience the world of work, and meet with a range of employers and further education providers. Our year 11 students also have an assembly from a range of local providers including Bradford College, Shipley College, New College Bradford, UTC and Beckfoot Sixth Form, so they can make an informed choice about their next step. We also run visits for our KS4 students to attend local colleges for taster days.

Activities that students will be involved in

  • 1-1 meetings with our careers advisor
  • A comprehensive careers programme
  • Careers Day
  • Further education assemblies
  • Access to Unifrog resources and guidance


Unifrog is a great resource for students that offers them with bespoke advice for students based upon their interests. Unifrog allows students to create their very own portfolio of for them to utilise when they make applications for their post 16 choices, and will support them as they search for relevant and appropriate courses available in their locality, and is particular useful for finding apprenticeships.

Careers resources

The National Labour Market information is becoming increasingly more important for students to understand as the world of work around us changes. Students should be aware of where different job roles are required around the countries, and what jobs may need more people in the future. Find out what careers are popular in Bradford and Leeds and match your skills to the perfect role for you.