Maths at Beckfoot

Our mathematics department ensures all students enjoy learning maths as they grow belief in their own ability to achieve successfully within the challenges they undertake daily.

We believe children will achieve when they become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics and learn through varied and frequent practice wit increasingly complex problems over time. With this confidence they can succeed by being able to explain their thinking, apply their reasoning and problem-solving skills to better understand the world around them.

We encourage our students to have high aspirations regardless of their entry point, tailoring our curriculum to focus on fluency and building confidence in our students. The basic maths skills we teach our students build up essential skills that they will use on a daily basis – as they develop their problem solving, reasoning, data analysis, communication, logical thinking and attention to detail, they will be independent adults with the ability to make sensible decisions.


Students will have the opportunity to partake in the UKMT maths challenge, as they utilise their mathematical reasoning and fluency to solve unique and interesting questions and challenges.

There may also be opportunities for students to visit the Royal Institution so they can understand how Mathematics and Science work together in the engineering sector.


Students at BUH will either follow the Foundation or Higher curriculum. Students will sit three exams at the end of year 11. One non-calculator paper and two calculator papers.
Content from any part of the course may be assessed. A student must take all 3 papers at
the same tier.

KS4 Specification


Whenever the opportunity presents itself learning will be liked to a variety of careers. Students understand that learning maths ‘opens doors’ to careers like banking, architecture, engineering, data analytics, economics and more.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Algebraic thinking: Sequences, understanding and using algebraic notation, equality and equivalence

Place value and proportion: Place value, ordering integers and decimals, fraction, decimal and percentage equivalence

Application of number: solving problems with addition and subtraction, solving problems with multiplication and division

Fractions and percentages of amount

Directed number: Operations and equations with directed number

Fractional thinking: Addition and subtraction of fractions

Lines and angles: Constructing, measuring and using geometric notation, developing geometric reasoning

Reasoning with number: Developing number sense, sets and probability, prime numbers and proof

Year 8

Fractions and percentages: simplifying fractions, working with fractions, fractions and decimals, understanding percentages, percentages of amounts

Probability: Language of probability, calculating probability, more probability calculations, experimental probability

Angles (extend curriculum): Properties of shapes, angles in parallel lines, angles in triangles, exterior and interior angles, geometrical problems

Averages and range (extend curriculum): Mean and range, mode, median and range, types of average, estimating the mean, sampling, avoiding bias

Ratio and proportion: Direct proportion, writing ratios, using ratios, ratio proportion and fractions, proportion and percentages

Lines and angles: Measuring and drawing angles, lines, angles and triangles, drawing triangles accurately, calculating angles, angles in triangles, quadrilaterals

Perimeter, area and volume (extend curriculum): Rectangles, parallelograms and triangles. trapezia and changing units, area of compound shapes, surface area of 3D solids, volume of prisms

Graphs (extend curriculum): Coordinate linear graphs, real-life graphs, gradient of a line, y=mx+c, distance-time graphs

Sequences and graphs: Pattern sequences, coordinates and midpoints, extending sequences, straight line graphs, position to term rules

Transformations: Congruency and enlargement, symmetry, reflection, rotation, translations

Transformations (extend curriculum): Reflection, rotations, enlargements, describing enlargements, combining transformations

Ratio and proportion (extend curriculum): Writing ratios, using ratios, ratios and measures, comparing using ratios, using proportion, proportion and graphs, proportion problems

Year 9

Fractions and Percentages:  Simplifying fractions, working with fractions, fractions and decimals. understanding percentages, percentages of amounts

Graphs: Coordinates, linear graphs, real-life graphs, gradient of a line, equation of a line, distance-time graphs

Probability: Language of probability, calculating probability, experimental probability, expected outcomes

Transformations: Translations, reflection, rotations, enlargements, describing enlargements, combining transformations

Ratio and proportion: Direct proportion, writing ratios, using ratios, ratio proportion and fractions, proportion and percentages, proportion and graphs

Line and angles: Measuring and drawing angles, lines, angles and triangles, drawing triangles accurately, calculating angles, angles in triangles, quadrilaterals

Right angled triangles: Pythagoras’ theorem, trigonometry – sine ratio, cosine ratio, tangent ratio, finding lengths and angles using trigonometry

Sequences and graphs: Pattern sequences, coordinates and midpoints, extending sequences, straight line graphs, position to term rules

Probability: Calculating probabilities, two event probabilities, experimental probabilities, venn diagrams, tree diagrams

Transformation: Congruency and enlargements, symmetry, reflection, rotation, translations

Multiplicative reasoning: Growth and decay, compound measures, distance, speed and time, direct and indirect proportion

Year 10

Higher: Number, algebra and data

Foundation – sets 3/4: Angles and averages and ranges

Foundation – set 5: Number and algebra

Higher: Data, fractions, ratio and percentages, angles and trigonometry

Foundation – sets 3/4: Perimeter, area and volume and graphs

Foundation – set 5: Graphs, tables and charts, fractions and percentages

Higher: Graphs, area and volume, transformations and constructions

Foundation – sets 3/4: Transformations and ratio and proportion

Foundation – set 5: Equations, inequalities and sequences, angles

Year 11

Higher – set 1: More trigonometry, equations and graphs

Higher – set 2: Equations and inequalities, probability

Foundation – set 3: Equations and inequalities, probability

Foundation – sets 4/5: Angles, averages and range, perimeter, area and volume

Higher – set 1: Equations and graphs, circle theorems, more algebra

Higher – set 2: Multiplicative reasoning, similarity and congruence, more trigonometry

Foundation – set 3: Ratio and proportion, right-angled triangles, probability

Foundation – sets 4/5: Graphs, transformations, ratio and proportion

Higher – set 1: Vectors and geometric proof, proportion and graphs

Higher – set 2: Further statistics, equations and graphs, circle theorems

Foundation – set 3: Multiplicative reasoning, construction, loci and bearings, quadratic equations and graphs

Foundation – sets 4/5: Right-angled triangles, probability